Whale, whale, whale, what do we have here It’s not a fish tale, it’s the Souper Tail! Say goodbye to boring ordinary ladles and dive into a sea of flavor. Whether you’re serving soup, stew or even a punch, meal time just got a deep upgrade!
FINAL SALE – ON CLEARANCE The ZWILLING BBQ+ Grill Fork is the ideal helper for masterfully serving your perfectly grilled steaks and other goodies from the grill. The prongs of the stainless steel grill fork are nice and long and give you a secure hold and full control while serving. The long grill fork is…
The holes in the tip of RSVP Small Straining Tongs allow liquid to strain out — mess free as you retrieve items from fluid-filled containers. The sturdy stainless steel construction and 5 inch length makes these straining tongs ideal for retrieving items from bottles, jars and serving dishes.
If you’re searching for new tongs to replace your existing tongs or you’re just looking for tongs because you don’t have any and you really need them, consider the OXO Good Grips Locking Tongs. This is a set of tongs that will last you a lifetime because they’re made from durable and beautiful stainless steel…